
‘I don’t have 5 rupees; can I pay you later’ I requested the tea shop owner. He hesitated a
Of course, why should he do me a favor, it is hurting his business. To be fair, it’s on him for
not having UPI-

‘I got you!’ a voice came from behind me. ‘Here you go, sir!’ He extended the money to the
shop owner.
Wow, he has such a deep voice…
‘Thank you so much, give me your number, I’ll transfer it back right away’ I took out my
‘Woah, maybe we should exchange names before numbers?’ He smiled at me and so did
his hazel eyes.
I chuckled. Damn, he’s witty.
‘Okay, have it your way, my name is Adarsh’
‘I’m Sarvesh!’
We shook hands. Strong grip!
‘Anyway, Adarsh, I am getting late for class. The 5 rupees – you can pay it forward, I’m sure
it’ll make its way back to me!’ he winked and jogged towards the classroom block.

I looked at my watch. Shoot, I’m also late for class. I jogged in the same direction and went
in only to find my friends waiting outside the class for me.
‘Where have you been? Have you been chatting with strangers again? I told you he’s too
extroverted for our group’ Arjun smirked.
‘Hey, I wasn’t’ That’s a lie ‘I just couldn’t find change for my tea. You all abandoned me’ I
‘Boys, stop bickering already, let’s go in, Kavya Ma’am is staring right into our souls’
Meera was right, she was staring into our souls.

We beelined towards our usual desk, third row corner, also known as the blind spot. But
the desk was already accommodating Sarvesh. It was a three-person desk, so naturally,
we headed one row back.
Is he in my class? If I talk to him now, I’ll never hear the end of it from Arjun.

Sarvesh gave us a small smile. Pretty sure that was for me.
As we were sitting down, Arjun whispered to me, ‘Dude, the new guy, I heard some weird
stuff about him’
‘Can you not?’ Meera sneered at him.
‘Wait what? I was just speaking to him. He seemed fine’
Arjun’s eyes lit up
Damn it, couldn’t keep my mouth shut
‘It’s not what you think, he paid for my tea!’ I resisted
‘Well, I heard he was-’ Arjun hesitated, looking in all directions (and other dimensions too?)
‘Guys you know I can hear you right? I’m literally a foot away from you’ Sarvesh remarked.
Well, obviously he can hear us, what was Arjun thinking.
‘Your friend is trying to tell you, very conspicuously, that I’m gay’ Sarvesh continued.
That’s it? Arjun is such child-
‘Sorry about him, I’m Meera and I’m sure you’ve met Adarsh, everyone has.’ She took a dig
at me sigh.
‘And this is Arjun, he lives under a rock, I will lecture him later.’ Meera went
ahead and sat with him in front of me and Arjun.
‘Dude, do you think she’s actually going to lecture me?’
‘Oh definitely.’
‘CAN YOU PLEASE BE QUIET’ Kavya Ma’am from the dais. Oops I completely forgot about

After the lecture, we all got together outside the class. Arjun apologized to Sarvesh ‘I’m so
sorry, I have never had gay friends, and also, I’m terrified of Meera.’
‘You better be.’
Sarvesh laughed ‘Oh, it’s fine, I’ve heard and seen much worse!’
‘Arjun, Meera, can you come back in for a second’ the professor called out. I bet this is
about their assignments, Arjun must not have varied it enough from hers. Not a good day to
be Arjun-

‘You’re right, definitely not his day.’ Sarvesh chimed in.
‘How…how did you do that?’ Can he hear my thoughts? Oh no, did he hear everything?
He asked me something, oh dear, I didn’t pay attention.

‘That’s okay, I’ll ask you again, would you like to go out with me?’
I blushed(unintentionally). ‘I would love to; this time I’m paying. And here is my number, we
know each other’s names after all.’


‘Can you hear me?’ a feeble voice said. He went closer to his laptop with his ear towards it.

‘I can…but just barely..”

She continued in the same low voice ‘Oh okay, one sec let me connect my headphones, seems like my laptop mic has deteriorated even more’

‘Oh okay’. His words were followed by muffled noises.

‘Is this better?’ a much clearer voice came through.

‘Yes, that’s much better’ he said with a big smile. He could have hearts for eyes.

‘Where are you now? Can you switch on your video?’

‘Sure, look I’m at our usual spot’ he said as he turned his laptop around and showed her to the quiet little cafe. It was 6 in the evening there, the warm amber from the sun fell on him and his table, like the light was a blanket and he, on a cold night. He turned his laptop around and dusted off the brownie crumbs on his keyboard.

‘Your turn’ he said with eagerness. ‘I look like shit, I don’t think I should’ she said with a little embarrassment.

‘You have literally started quarantining 2 hours ago, are you gonna pretend like you’re not beautiful in every video call for the next few days?’

She giggled ‘Yes.’


The car slowed as they were approaching the police barricade. The man in khakis knocked on the car window. He asked him for his licence and registration.

“Where are you coming from, this late at night?”

“The movies.” The driver answered with practised confidence. The policeman was however skeptical and asked him to show the tickets for all four of them in the car.

The driver held out his phone to show the soft copy of the tickets. “Seat no. D-11,12,13, 14”

“Okay, you may go.”

The driver barreled the moment he was let go. After they covered a few hundred feet, they heard sirens. The boss yelled ” The cops are behind us, step on it!”

Adi never wanted to have a career in smuggling, nor this specific assignment of bringing gold biscuits stuffed in a woolen carpet. Yet here he was, yelling orders at his driver, absconding the police.

He needed to take a quick decision, so he threw out the carpet to the kerb as they sped past it.

The police finally caught up, and turns out the driver forgot to take the licence back. Well now the police won’t let them go without a thorough check of the vehicle and a speeding ticket.

After handling the police, they drove back to where they threw the carpet, only to find it missing.

“All your sons do is con people into giving them money, and you’re okay to live with that?” the old woman yelled through the thin walls of the apartment.

“I swear to god, you have been a menace ever since we were moved from the slums to the apartment. Stop eavesdropping!” the woman yelled back. She was in her 40s and had multiple ailments, untreated because of the only family heirloom she had inherited – poverty.

Her boys, a tall, dark and lanky one and the more bubbly older brother, entered the house where any claustrophobe would dread to. Each brother was holding an end of a thick woolen carpet. “Ma, you know that woman is not worth your energy.” the older brother advised as they set the carpet down.

“Where were you boys? Were you running another con?! Look what I have to put up with because of you two. This is all on me, I didn’t have the damn immunity I needed to earn enough money to make you kids stay in school!”

The older son spoke “Ma that’s enough, you’ve done so much for us, and we’re trying our best to take care of you, the best way we know. We have brought you a carpet. For your chills. We found this on the curb of the main road, it seems new.”

“Do I look like I was born yesterday? You clearly stole this from someone.”

“No ma, he’s not lying–” the younger one started as he was interrupted by his brother ” She’s never going to trust us.” he dismissed as he threw the carpet out the balcony. It landed in the junkyard that was promised to be cleared 10 years back, when the slum clearance project was complete.

He walked out with frustration, and his brother gave him a two second lead, gave an apologetic look to his mother and jogged out to catch up to his brother.

As the older brother walked out, with a million thoughts in his mind, he saw a wooden club coming at him, and wondered for a millisecond what was happening and then it hit him. He passed out.

The brothers were back at their house, the older one with a bruise on his head, the younger one sprinkled water on his face and slapped him gently in an attempt to wake him up.

He opened his eyes, his vision slowly coming back to focus, and in his view stood three men, two of them holding clubs and one of them taking gulps from a big bottle of water.

One could clearly see perplexity written all over the boy’s face as he had just regained consciousness only to find his mother and brother held hostage.

“Finally. My name is Adi. I asked around about you boys, quite notorious for your age I’d say, impressive. I believe you picked up a carpet that belongs to me. “

“That’s why you’re threatening us? We just threw that out in the junkyard!”

“Ah yes I was informed by your family. But we combed through every inch of the junkyard. The only thing we found was the fact that you all are liars. No harm in telling you, we are smugglers, and we have stuffed that carpet with ₹10 crore worth of gold. We threw it out on the curb to avoid getting arrested by the cops. Now where is the carpet.”

The whole family had an extensive range of reactions that were built around worry, fear and shock.

“We had no idea about the gold and we don’t want any trouble.” the older brother told, still not completely in his senses. “Our mother does not like the things we bring by unfair means, so just to pacify her, I pretend to throw it in the junkyard. I have a friend who collects whatever I throw. He lives 8 houses to the left of this apartment. If you don’t believe me, you will see that he has a proper vantage of the junkyard from the terrace of his house. He already has a criminal record in the local police station, so he will not want to get mixed up in smuggling. If you just explain about the smuggling, he will just hand the carpet over to you. “

“See, was that so hard, apply some ice on that, you’ll be okay. Sorry for the trouble. ” the goons started leaving as Adi was bidding farewell to the family.

Soon after they left, the older brother got up hastily and went next door and started rapping on the door. The nosy neighbor opened the door “What!”

“Can we please have the carpet back? I heard you head out the moment I threw the carpet. I know you heard everything, don’t make me call those goons back, I will give you half of the gold, worth 50 lakhs. “

The lady thought for a brief moment, “Fine, but I want 60% instead of 50%, finders keepers.”

He had to keep a straight face as he knew she miscalculated, and agreed reluctantly “You drive a hard bargain, but okay.”

She headed inside and fetched the carpet.

He carried the carpet back to his house.

The mother and brother watched with complete uncertainty.

“Wait so if the carpet is here, where did you send them?” the mother finally spoke up.

“Oh yeah, about that, the man who lives there is an undercover cop, I once saw him taking pictures of the two of us. Nothing to worry, we haven’t done anything explicitly illegal, he is trying to find something though. He is staying in that house only to keep an eye on us. ” the boy said cockily.

8 houses away…

“You just confessed to smuggling, you are under arrest. ” a 40 year old inspector finally had a shot at that assistant commissioner job. He was not going to go after the boys for the carpet as a mark of gratitude and of course he knows that they would have a backup plan for that as well.

He has been tailing them for two years now.

The faces of the goons were flush red.

“Sir, they must have the carpet!!” Adi shouted in vain.

“I do not have the proof for that, but you did just confess everything to me now. Backup will arrive in two minutes, so sit tight. “the cop said calmly.

Adi knew better than trying to attack the policeman and run. At least this was going to be the last two minutes of doing something he hated.


I took a shower and wore a white t shirt and blue jeans. (Yes, a bold fashion choice) I tousled my hair and fixed it again, to give myself a nice casual look.

I took my motorcycle to an old building in a quiet alley. I went inside to be welcomed by the dull luminance of the tubelight.

That’s weird, it was quite bright yesterday. Way to make this room seem a lot more ominous.

The others slowly started arriving, some seemed to be annoyed by the dim light, while the rest didn’t even notice.

“Now that we’re all here, let’s talk about why we’re here today. As you know, Holy is all about acceptance, we have potential to be the biggest new religious movement. We’re the youth of the world, and no one else is more capable of changing the world than we are. ”

Oh wow this speech is going really well, I seem to have captivated the group.

“ you might think, there are many leaders out there making speeches in their own religious movements that is not too different than this. But I never volunteered to be leader, I even refused thrice. “

Hmm thrice refused. Where have I heard this, omg I’m quoting Antony’s speech!

“this is different because there are no right or wrong ideologies here, we allow followers with any or no faith. Believe in Satan? Hell is not the only place that’ll accept you, for Satan too would be a member of Holy.”

Wow everyone is agreeing with this impromptu speech.

” we have a lot of hindrances which root from fear of difference, we will overcome it. For anything can be overcome with money. All of us need to contribute 10% of our income to Holy. This will help us recruit more members by creating publicity. We can set up more Holy centres across the world. “

Hm considering it, considering it. Oh, oh I see a raised hand!

“Yes! You in the jacket!”

It was a white lady with doubt written all over her face.

“How can you prove that you’re using the money for whatever you’re claiming you’ll do? Some of us are new members, we barely know you.”

Ah I was hoping for this question

“Ma’am, it would have been strange if no one asked me this, which is why I have developed a process where whenever you make a payment to Holy, we will publish a paid post in all social media with your name on it, and the receipt for the same will be mailed to you. Let me demonstrate, so my income is $5000 a month. Now let me transfer 10%, which is 500, to the Holy account. Give it a few minutes”

Please work, please work.

“Okay here’s the email. As you can see there’s a receipt for all the posts, links to the posts, and it all adds up to $500”

Why does she still look skeptical of this?

“Alright ma’am, I will transfer $500 to your account right now, and you can try sending that to Holy”

Oh good she agreed, I guess there’s no free lunch.

I walked her through the same process, and there it was she got the mail with a receipt in her name.

“This week is on me, you don’t have to pay.”

“Oh okay it really works. Thank you! I’m looking forward to more meetings and the progress Holy is going to make. “

The older members had already started transferring the money when I was demonstrating. The skeptic walked out making a very generic excuse.

Hm that’s weird, she wasn’t supposed to do that. Anyway.

“If your mail doesn’t come immediately, don’t panic, since there are a lot of requests to upload posts, there’ll be traffic, it’ll take about half an hour. If you have a problem, give me a call, I’ll see what’s up, now I have to go to the centre in the farther part of town. There’s coffee for everyone, feel free to help yourself.”

Some of them were still inside discussing and drinking coffee. But I think most of them have made their donations.

Some of them walked out with me. I smiled at them ” Have a great day!”

I went back to my hotel room. I opened the door with my key card to find the skeptical woman eating an apple on the table.

” All good? ” She asked.

“Yep! Just checked our account, around 12 grand has been deposited. We have got about half an hour to withdraw everything and skip town. And why did you leave so early?”

” Well if I’m playing the woman who isn’t trusting, I should end up not trusting and quitting it. Suddenly trusting would give rise to suspicion. And the links were all fake, we would’ve got in trouble had I stayed cuz there was bound to be someone who would’ve asked more details to me.”

Holy shit she’s a genius. But I can’t say that to her face

” Fair enough!”

We went to an ATM after a while and withdrew about 30 grand.

We ditched the rental motorcycle in the railway station and my phone in a train that goes all around the country.

We changed our hair colour in a salon nearby and hitchhiked to as far as we can get in a week.


The man was in the car waiting at a long signal. The signal went green and the timer was only for 30 seconds. He was 5 cars behind the start line. Horns were blaring. He missed the signal by one car. The man exclaimed with an elongated honk “Damn women drivers!”

The man finally reached home after enduring the agony of traffic. He removed his shoes and socks and put it right on the floor in front of the shoe rack and went to his room to freshen up. His wife picked his shoes up and placed it on the rack like it was an everyday chore. She made him a plate of food and kept it on the table. He came back to the dining room in comfortable clothes and sat at the table with his wife, son and daughter.

The man touched food on the plate and told, “This is not hot at all, reheat this.” It was said in such a way as if she had one job and she didn’t do that right. The woman took the plate in front of him with a frown on her face. He noticed the frown and spoke as if he was making the greatest sacrifice ever “That’s okay, I’ll adjust.” She heated it for him anyway.

They started eating and the son spoke up with hesitation ” Dad, can I go out with my friends tomorrow evening? We’re thinking of going to this new restaurant.”

“Does it have a bar?”

“Yes, but I promise we won’t drink”

“You better not, if I find out you’re drinking, I’ll kick you out.”

“Okay dad!” he said with insincerity.

The boy’s older sister took this opportunity to ask permission too. “I’m also planning to go to the park with my friends. Some time in the morning”

“Are boys coming with you?”

“Yes, but just two of them, and you know them too”

” Sorry sweetie, it’s too early in the morning, you’ll trouble your mother”

“I won’t! I promise, I will wake up on my own and make my own coffee!”

“You can’t go, that’s it.”

The girl took her plate and stormed off to her room.

“Kids these days, we have to spell out respect to them” he muttered under his breath.

He finished his dinner and started browsing Twitter, only partially hearing his wife describing how her day was.

He came across a #meToo post about some girl who got harassed by a creep in her personal messages. She was sent an unsolicited dick pic.

He became furious. The man tweeted ” it’s about time we started respecting women. They deserve everything, if not more than what a man gets.”


The clock struck 6 as I came home flush red and sweating profusely after I played cricket with my friends on the street.

As I walked past the verandah where my frail old grandmother was sitting on her wooden chair, squinting through her thick glasses, with a sad and worried look on her face.

The last time I heard her voice was when I was 3 years old, she used to narrate me a story every night. Some nights she used to mix it up with some of her life anecdotes. There was something about how she met pop-pop for the first time. And she also used to tell about her first ever eye test and wore glasses.

But ever since her Laryngeal cancer, I haven’t heard her voice. My relationship with her also became very distant as the communication between us just deteriorated.

Years passed, and there was lesser and lesser interaction between us. I don’t know what it was, my adolescence or our lack of communication or both, my grandmother started frowning whenever she saw me.

I come back from school, she frowned, I bring tea for her, she frowned. She made the same face every time, as if it was a struggle even to look at me. I had not only lost her voice but also her smile.

I still vaguely remember the times when we laughed together.

Today I decided to sit next to her and try to talk to her. So I kneeled in front of her chair. And seeing me do that, she put her hand on my face, I jerked and moved away. I felt terrible about it immediately. My grandmother put her head down in embarassment.

I was able to see through her glasses, it was completely clouded with smudges, fingerprints, fabric thread marks. I saw clearly what the problem was.

I went inside my room and brought a micro fibre cloth and a lens cleaning solution.

I gently took her glasses in my hands and sprayed the lens solution on both the lenses and wiped it clean with the cloth.

I put it back on her nose. And then she saw my face, and there it was, that beautiful smile that was missing all these years. She was smiling from ear to ear, her eyes welling up with tears.

Seeing her smile, I also smiled and also started crying. I gave her a big hug, and felt as if I got back all the years I lost with her by just cleaning her glasses.


He stood on his toes in front of the towering teak chest of drawers, to sneak a peek inside the most worn out and heavy drawer that was about a centimetre open. The ray of light from the attic window reflected off something shiny inside the drawer which intrigued the child’s mind.

As he heard footsteps approaching, he stepped away from the chest of drawers.

“Ah, there you are! I have been looking for you everywhere! What are you doing here?” asked a gentle yet stentorian voice that originated from the boy’s grandfather. There was something in his eyes that made him look way younger than he is. His hair grey, skin wrinkly and posture slouched, but his hazel brown eyes were still ready to see the world and life.

“Nothing grandpa, I just like coming here!” the boy said with as much sincerity as he could muster. But that only contributed to the old man’s incredulity.

He saw the drawer open and hastily closed it with a thud. ” Don’t come up here all alone, it gets really cold and scary here sometimes. Now come on, let’s find your brother.”

The brother was only 3 years older than him, but to Mac he was this tall and strong hero who can do everything that Mac himself was incapable of doing.

He excitedly went and sat next to his brother at the table for lunch, and whispered into his ear “I saw something shiny in the heavy drawer!”

The brother’s eyes lit up “The watch drawer was unlocked? Come with me after lunch, I’ll show you grandpa’s watches. He keeps them in that drawer. ”

The kids found the right time after lunch where they can inconspicuously go up to the attic. Mac’s brother pulled open the heavy drawer with a quiet grunt, and took out the winder box to show his brother. It was the most beautiful collection of watches, most of them antique. But none of them were shiny enough to reflect off sunlight. Mac stood on his toes again and reached inside the drawer to find yet another watch.

It was a rather regular watch compared to the others in the winder box, gold straps and white round dial. The crown on the side was pushed in unlike the other watches in the winder, which were kept in good condition with regular windings.

The time showed 9 when it was actually 5 in the evening, Mac, pulled out the crown and set the time back to 5 and right before he could push the crown back in, he noticed that his brother was not there and it was dark outside. He hastily put the watch back in and closed the drawer as much as he could, leaving only a tiny gap. He ran downstairs to find everyone sleeping in their rooms.

He saw the time on the digital clock in the hall which blinked 5.01 AM. He just realised what the watch had done, he went back to the attic, and winded the crown for 12 hours ahead, which brought the evening sunlight and his brother with the winder box back. He pushed the crown back into its place, but the watch didn’t run.

Mac managed to keep the watch with him. Whenever he needed to undo a mistake, he winded the crown backward. Whenever he didn’t want to do something, he winded the watch forward. This way he sculpted his life, skipped all the bad things such as failures, breakups and disappointments and jumped straight to the closure.

Decades of undoings and omissions passed in a flash and Mac was married and even had a child

His daughter was only 10. She was learning how to ride on her new pink bicycle with a cute little basket in the front. He had just removed the side wheels for the first time. She got in a couple pedals to go a few feet in front and immediately lost balance and fell on the ground.

Mac worriedly took out his watch, but he saw his girl get up and dust herself off and give it another shot. She was successful this time, she went a few feet and turned around and pedalled back to her father. Mac saw his daughter beaming with the most beautiful and content smile that she had succeeded right after a fall.

That moment it dawned on him that he missed out on life trying to avoid obstacles and mistakes. He was a grown man but he had no experience. He tried to avoid regrets and avoid getting winded up at any cause. Now all he had were regrets. No wisdom to impart to his child, all he did was wind his grandfather’s shiny watch.

He pushed the crown back in for the first time since he found the watch and put it back in the heavy drawer of the chest of drawers. He had decided that there won’t be any more winding for the rest of his life.


She found herself sitting on a cold metal stool in front of the scary big man in the white coat who very often wielded weaponry involving needles and tiny knee hammers.

When her mother was talking to this man, the seven-year-old’s mind wandered to teddy bears, candy and puppies and a general wonderment of everything. And then, all she could think of is what the doctor was trying to check when he held her wrist looking at his watch. She had just learnt how to read time on her toy watch which had dolphins for hands.

After a few failed attempts to simultaneously look at both her watch and place her dainty index and middle finger on her wrist, she decided to conquer her tasks one by one.

So she placed her fingers on the left side of her right wrist. She was perplexed by the lack of fruitfulness of this strange endeavor. The doctor who happened to have notice this struggle, came closer. The little girl ever so slightly blushed with embarrassment.

“I see we have a little doctor here”, he gently took her hand and placed it on there right side of her wrist.

“You feel that?”

She looked at her mom and nodded with excitement.

“That there is your pulse, it shows how fast your little heart is beating.”

She looked at her mom again and saw the doctor with sheer joy. For that was the closest thing to sound she has experienced. She has to depend on her mother for translating everything into sign language.

But this, this showed her that it is not always quiet. She can always hear her heartbeat.

Sands Of Time

Sands Of Time

Moist beige granules of sand trickled down the valleys of her toes as she stood at the shore looking out at the horizon, trying to figure out the origin of the numerous waves that fizzle out to mere bubbles right at her feet.

She watched the Sun go down making the sky a hue of vermilion, and wondered why she felt lonely and craved a companionship that she did not care about for the 62 years she has lived in this world.

Everyday she came to the beach. She walked along the shore, relishing the breeze that blew past her, making two strands of her silver hair fly across her face. She made sure she did not carry anything with her, not even her phone, just so that she can walk with her hands free. She felt the air filling the shallow cups her hands made when she swung them ever so slightly, she liked that feeling. Obviously, she liked to cross her arms and glance sideways towards the sea as she walked, she always thought it made her look good when she walked like that. Since her house was just around the corner, she didn’t mind not having her phone. But that was not the real reason. All her friends were either dead, almost dead or barely knew her. Once the sun set, she walked back home and got back to reading her book. She could not even get through two pages leave alone her usual 100 at a time. She removed her reading glasses revealing the marks left behind on her nose by the nose pads. Her wrinkled, dark-circled eyes closed.

She laid her book down on the oak side table, and went into the kitchen to make dinner. She opened the refrigerator to see if there’s anything at all she was in the mood to make. But nope. Sometimes, she wondered why she bought groceries. She used to love cooking but as she became more alone, Susan cared lesser. So she decided to head out. Again.

She wore her taffy jacket and decided to walk to her favorite restaurant. She walked by the sea taking in the breeze that was just cold enough to push her to the edge of shivering. In a distance she could see “Sands of time”, the neon sign of the cafe glowing.

Sands Of Time was an open cafe with only 4 tables under a roof and the rest out in the sand. It was a place of tranquility. Everyone spoke softly, adhering to the ‘keep your voices low, so you can hear the sea’. The cafe was lit only with pole lamps per every two tables. Each table had a jar filled with tangled serial light as an alternative to candles. Candles do look ambient but they are ephemeral even when there’s a gentle breeze.

Susan instinctively went and sat down at one of the two tables that were closest to the sea, so that she could look at and hear the waves. Her surroundings were partly lit by the Moonlight and the serial light.

As she sat down, a waitress approached her with a jug of water and said “Hey Susan, how are ya, would you like a menu?”. Susan replied “I am doing fine Lisa, I was too lazy to cook, again. No, I don’t need a menu, I’ll have the lasagna, and a glass of Pinot Noir, please and thank you.”

Bella was also an old woman but not as old as Susan, she was in her 50’s, she had enough money to sit at home and do nothing. But she thrived on meeting new people.

Bella said with a smile as she filled Susan’s glass with water “You can be lazy as long you bring us business, haha. I will bring you your order. Enjoy the sea.” And she walked back to the kitchen with all the orders in her head. She never took orders down on a sheet of paper. The woman had incredible memory and has never got the orders wrong. Susan always wondered how can she possibly remember so much at this age.

As she sat there watching the sea, inhaling the ocean breeze she felt like someone was looking at her from the other table by the sea. She had no vision on the person, as she was sitting with her back faced to that person.

She immediately got up and went to the restroom. This was an obvious maneuver to see who was sitting behind her. It was an old man. He had salt and pepper hair, a light gray stubble and eyes that hid the world in it. For the first time in years, Susan felt shy. She blushed as he quickly shifted his eyes towards the jar of light on his table, which irradiated his beautiful face even more, his blush only adding to it.

Susan didn’t have a clue what to do in these kinda situations. She kept her head down, walked out and quickly sat down at her table, the lasagna and the wine was already on the table. She took a sip of the wine and started to carve into the cheesy layers of the Italian savory. She was greeted with an earthy flavor slightly leaning towards a fruity one when she had a sip of that wine. Just as she was about to take a bite of her lasagna, she heard a robust voice with a slight tremble. “Excuse me, miss..”

She was flustered and yet excited, slowly turned around making sure she had her prettiest expression. “Yes?” Susan was delighted that he worked up the courage to come and talk to her.

The man had a slight slouch, he said with a sheepish smile ” Uh you are sitting at my table, well, pleasure’s all mine, but you seem to have a liking towards my lasagna, which I cannot permit.” He was grinning at this point.

Susan quickly looked around her and saw her taffy coat hanging on the chair at the table she was sitting at. She was at a loss for words, what a strange first impression had she made.

“I’m so sorry about that, you know how it is in our age” Susan said giggling awkwardly showing off her pearly whites and cheeks flushed.

“Oh no you didn’t, speak for yourself I’m just in my late twenties…. For a few decades now.” he remarked charmingly “I’m Gerald, and you are…?”

The awkwardness in her settled down “Susan” she said with a smile. She slid the lasagna towards his side, and picked up the wine and stood up to go to her table. “I will take this glass of wine, I will ask Bella to give you mine.”

As she turned to leave, Gerald said loudly “Or.” Susan turned to his sharp gray suit. She could see his face change the moment she make eye contact, she could feel herself change. Gerald continued “You could sit here. Have dinner with me? I’m waiting for your glass of wine, might as well wait for your lasagna as well.” said he as he slid it back towards her.

Susan was so excited and flustered, are they already on a date in her favorite cafe?

Gerald caught Susan’s reluctance, “I’m so sorry if that was too forward, it’s just that I haven’t seen such a beautiful woman in a while.” Susan’s face turned red, she took a second and spoke “I like your honesty. You’re also very handsome. You think that’s forward? Watch this.” Susan sat down, split the lasagna, served one half on his plate, and the other on hers. They stared into each other’s gentle eyes for a moment and started chuckling.

Gerald briskly walked to Susan’s former table, his gray dinner jacket hindering his movements just a little bit, picked her jacket off the chair. As he held it in his hands, his eyes almost closed in satisfaction when the scent of lavender hit his olfactory receptors. He walked back to his table and put the coat around Susan’s chair.

Bella walked out with a plate of lasagna, and a glass of wine and saw that Susan’s table was empty, she looked ahead and found her sitting with Gerald.

“Well, what’s going on here? If I didn’t know better, I would call this a date.” said Bella as she placed the food on the table and the drink by Gerald. Susan smiled and replied “Thank you Bella, but you don’t know better, it is a date. At least, I think so.” Gerald nodded ” Oh did you think my flirtatious behavior was flirtatious, I’m so sorry if I gave you the wrong idea. ”

“Oh would you look at that, the handsome old man is also gifted with a sense of humor.” remarked Bella and walked past the table and mouthed to Susan “Nice.” and winked.

Susan and Gerald spoke for hours and hours. She learned about him, he learned about her, their plates and glasses were empty, but their newfound interest in each other was never ending. They sat at the cafe till they were the last ones there. Bella then started to close up shop, and approached their table.

Gerald looked up and asked “Oh we’re sorry, are we keeping you?” Bella replied with a smile “Yes, obviously, look around you, there are things apart from Susan here.” As a matter of fact, Susan hadn’t looked off her table for a long time, the serial light jar in every other table was switched off, making their table stand out. And she also noticed Gerald looking around with wonder.

“Oh we are terribly sorry! We’ll get out of your hair.” said Susan “And Bella, put the bill on my tab.” Bella nodded and waited for them to clear the table.

Gerald put the pink coat around Susan and subsequently buttoned up his dinner jacket as well. “Here’s where you give me your phone number.” said Gerald with a big grin. Susan gently smiled and gave her phone number as Gerald noted it down on his phone. “But as you can gather from what we spoke today, having my phone number is in vain.” said Susan.

They both walk outside as Gerald said “From what I can gather, it looks like I won’t be needing it for the most part, I’ll just have to visit Sands Of Time more often.”

Susan always came to this cafe to boost her spirits, but it didn’t quite work. Until today. She felt that today was the day that everything was gonna change in her life. It’s a bit late, but that didn’t matter.

Gerald had been coming to this cafe for a couple years now, trying to find peace after he lost his partner in an accident when he was 58 years old. Everyday, he came to the Sands Of Time, to have a peaceful lunch. But he always ended up crying in the restroom mid meal.

Today, he decided to have dinner and cry at night for a change, which was when he saw Susan. She had such a calming presence, and was attractive as well. He felt something new after two years, something that he had not felt after he lost his wife. While he was waiting for his order, she quickly got up and went to the restroom. Which is when he realized he spooked her, he saw her quickly glancing at him. He was unconsciously staring. Gerald felt terrible and decided to go to the restroom and cry. He went inside and stood in front of the mirror, but he did not cry. He was still thinking about her, he saw flushed cheeks instead of tears.

So he decided to approach her and talk to her. When he walked out, to his surprise, he saw her sitting at his table. He realized it was a mistake when she took a sip of his wine and saw that her taffy coat was still at her table. He chuckled to himself and decided to make this silly situation a date.

Susan and Gerald decided to hang out more, they didn’t get married, and it was not friendship as well. They loved each other, all they did was go on dates, talk about their lives, for they have lived long ones. After every date, they hugged, Gerald walked Susan home and he went on to call a cab to his place.

Susan still went to the beach everyday, watched the sunset, but this time, she had her phone with her, for there was one person who loved her.

Death Cafe

So one day, I walk into a store to buy something nice for a new friend. I’ve known him for about a few weeks now and it’s been the best part of my life since then. I strut through all the aisles closely examining for any possible gift, meaningful and appropriate. But to my dismay, I don’t find any book, any clock or any other knick knack worthy a gift. So I decide to write a nice letter.

I describe in my letter the instant sparks that flew when I met him and him listening to my problems was what kept me going. I felt tortured having to wait 7 days to meet him again, for we only met on Sundays for about a couple hours.
Which is when I realize there was something off about it.
So I just stop writing the letter right there and wanted to make things clear when I meet him next.
It’s finally Sunday, and there he is suddenly sitting in front of me in a beautiful cafe.
The strange thing was that I have no memory of how I got here. So I ask him who he really is and how I got there every week. He hesitated and tried to digress but I persisted by shooting daggers off my eyes.
He took a deep breath.
“I know this may seem a little bit of a stretch, you don’t have to believe me, but this is the truth.” Quite naturally, I started imagining every ridiculous explanation I could think of. Is this a recurring inception style dream and was he Leo? Do I have split personality? Did I eat something weird? Whilst I go about my silent ramblings, he continued “I don’t really have a name. I am… Death. Every week I kill you in one or the other way, your family mourns you for the two hours you go missing. But when you enter this cafe or as we call it, the GFES, you forget how you died and your journey up here. If you walk out that door, you will only remember this meeting and you’ll have no recollection of how you got here or your death and neither will your family, hence you will go about with your life as usual. Sorry to have kept you in the dark.”
I am shocked and I have no words to say to who I thought was my friend. I have so many questions. What the hell is a GFES? Why would I not want to know all this? What’s the procedure for all this? Is wiping my memories an option, then why weren’t a lot of things in my life wiped? After all, I’m clearly special in this world. I leave the letter on the table and walk out the door and find myself back home as if nothing happened and I start to realize that every meeting with “death” made no sense. I only remembered that beautiful cafe.
Weeks pass by and no word from death nor any ‘abductions’ and there had been a significant amount of recoveries in the hospitals (pretty cool right?) and the population had grown leaps and bounds.
But nothing noticeable unless you sat there and kept track.
I figured my friend had stopped working
So I went into my room and slowly take a paper cutter to my throat and slice through, I die after an agonizing 5 minutes making me wish I chose an easier way to go.
I found myself back in the cafe.
The letter is still there on our usual table but in the back it was written, “Everyone needs a friend. Sorry… I quit.”
Death was simply looking for a successor as he was getting sick of his job. And it is up to me to take the job or decline.

To be continued…