Death Cafe

So one day, I walk into a store to buy something nice for a new friend. I’ve known him for about a few weeks now and it’s been the best part of my life since then. I strut through all the aisles closely examining for any possible gift, meaningful and appropriate. But to my dismay, I don’t find any book, any clock or any other knick knack worthy a gift. So I decide to write a nice letter.

I describe in my letter the instant sparks that flew when I met him and him listening to my problems was what kept me going. I felt tortured having to wait 7 days to meet him again, for we only met on Sundays for about a couple hours.
Which is when I realize there was something off about it.
So I just stop writing the letter right there and wanted to make things clear when I meet him next.
It’s finally Sunday, and there he is suddenly sitting in front of me in a beautiful cafe.
The strange thing was that I have no memory of how I got here. So I ask him who he really is and how I got there every week. He hesitated and tried to digress but I persisted by shooting daggers off my eyes.
He took a deep breath.
“I know this may seem a little bit of a stretch, you don’t have to believe me, but this is the truth.” Quite naturally, I started imagining every ridiculous explanation I could think of. Is this a recurring inception style dream and was he Leo? Do I have split personality? Did I eat something weird? Whilst I go about my silent ramblings, he continued “I don’t really have a name. I am… Death. Every week I kill you in one or the other way, your family mourns you for the two hours you go missing. But when you enter this cafe or as we call it, the GFES, you forget how you died and your journey up here. If you walk out that door, you will only remember this meeting and you’ll have no recollection of how you got here or your death and neither will your family, hence you will go about with your life as usual. Sorry to have kept you in the dark.”
I am shocked and I have no words to say to who I thought was my friend. I have so many questions. What the hell is a GFES? Why would I not want to know all this? What’s the procedure for all this? Is wiping my memories an option, then why weren’t a lot of things in my life wiped? After all, I’m clearly special in this world. I leave the letter on the table and walk out the door and find myself back home as if nothing happened and I start to realize that every meeting with “death” made no sense. I only remembered that beautiful cafe.
Weeks pass by and no word from death nor any ‘abductions’ and there had been a significant amount of recoveries in the hospitals (pretty cool right?) and the population had grown leaps and bounds.
But nothing noticeable unless you sat there and kept track.
I figured my friend had stopped working
So I went into my room and slowly take a paper cutter to my throat and slice through, I die after an agonizing 5 minutes making me wish I chose an easier way to go.
I found myself back in the cafe.
The letter is still there on our usual table but in the back it was written, “Everyone needs a friend. Sorry… I quit.”
Death was simply looking for a successor as he was getting sick of his job. And it is up to me to take the job or decline.

To be continued…

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