
The man was in the car waiting at a long signal. The signal went green and the timer was only for 30 seconds. He was 5 cars behind the start line. Horns were blaring. He missed the signal by one car. The man exclaimed with an elongated honk “Damn women drivers!”

The man finally reached home after enduring the agony of traffic. He removed his shoes and socks and put it right on the floor in front of the shoe rack and went to his room to freshen up. His wife picked his shoes up and placed it on the rack like it was an everyday chore. She made him a plate of food and kept it on the table. He came back to the dining room in comfortable clothes and sat at the table with his wife, son and daughter.

The man touched food on the plate and told, “This is not hot at all, reheat this.” It was said in such a way as if she had one job and she didn’t do that right. The woman took the plate in front of him with a frown on her face. He noticed the frown and spoke as if he was making the greatest sacrifice ever “That’s okay, I’ll adjust.” She heated it for him anyway.

They started eating and the son spoke up with hesitation ” Dad, can I go out with my friends tomorrow evening? We’re thinking of going to this new restaurant.”

“Does it have a bar?”

“Yes, but I promise we won’t drink”

“You better not, if I find out you’re drinking, I’ll kick you out.”

“Okay dad!” he said with insincerity.

The boy’s older sister took this opportunity to ask permission too. “I’m also planning to go to the park with my friends. Some time in the morning”

“Are boys coming with you?”

“Yes, but just two of them, and you know them too”

” Sorry sweetie, it’s too early in the morning, you’ll trouble your mother”

“I won’t! I promise, I will wake up on my own and make my own coffee!”

“You can’t go, that’s it.”

The girl took her plate and stormed off to her room.

“Kids these days, we have to spell out respect to them” he muttered under his breath.

He finished his dinner and started browsing Twitter, only partially hearing his wife describing how her day was.

He came across a #meToo post about some girl who got harassed by a creep in her personal messages. She was sent an unsolicited dick pic.

He became furious. The man tweeted ” it’s about time we started respecting women. They deserve everything, if not more than what a man gets.”

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