
I took a shower and wore a white t shirt and blue jeans. (Yes, a bold fashion choice) I tousled my hair and fixed it again, to give myself a nice casual look.

I took my motorcycle to an old building in a quiet alley. I went inside to be welcomed by the dull luminance of the tubelight.

That’s weird, it was quite bright yesterday. Way to make this room seem a lot more ominous.

The others slowly started arriving, some seemed to be annoyed by the dim light, while the rest didn’t even notice.

“Now that we’re all here, let’s talk about why we’re here today. As you know, Holy is all about acceptance, we have potential to be the biggest new religious movement. We’re the youth of the world, and no one else is more capable of changing the world than we are. ”

Oh wow this speech is going really well, I seem to have captivated the group.

“..now you might think, there are many leaders out there making speeches in their own religious movements that is not too different than this. But I never volunteered to be leader, I even refused thrice. “

Hmm thrice refused. Where have I heard this, omg I’m quoting Antony’s speech!

“this is different because there are no right or wrong ideologies here, we allow followers with any or no faith. Believe in Satan? Hell is not the only place that’ll accept you, for Satan too would be a member of Holy.”

Wow everyone is agreeing with this impromptu speech.

” we have a lot of hindrances which root from fear of difference, we will overcome it. For anything can be overcome with money. All of us need to contribute 10% of our income to Holy. This will help us recruit more members by creating publicity. We can set up more Holy centres across the world. “

Hm considering it, considering it. Oh, oh I see a raised hand!

“Yes! You in the jacket!”

It was a white lady with doubt written all over her face.

“How can you prove that you’re using the money for whatever you’re claiming you’ll do? Some of us are new members, we barely know you.”

Ah I was hoping for this question

“Ma’am, it would have been strange if no one asked me this, which is why I have developed a process where whenever you make a payment to Holy, we will publish a paid post in all social media with your name on it, and the receipt for the same will be mailed to you. Let me demonstrate, so my income is $5000 a month. Now let me transfer 10%, which is 500, to the Holy account. Give it a few minutes”

Please work, please work.

“Okay here’s the email. As you can see there’s a receipt for all the posts, links to the posts, and it all adds up to $500”

Why does she still look skeptical of this?

“Alright ma’am, I will transfer $500 to your account right now, and you can try sending that to Holy”

Oh good she agreed, I guess there’s no free lunch.

I walked her through the same process, and there it was she got the mail with a receipt in her name.

“This week is on me, you don’t have to pay.”

“Oh okay it really works. Thank you! I’m looking forward to more meetings and the progress Holy is going to make. “

The older members had already started transferring the money when I was demonstrating. The skeptic walked out making a very generic excuse.

Hm that’s weird, she wasn’t supposed to do that. Anyway.

“If your mail doesn’t come immediately, don’t panic, since there are a lot of requests to upload posts, there’ll be traffic, it’ll take about half an hour. If you have a problem, give me a call, I’ll see what’s up, now I have to go to the centre in the farther part of town. There’s coffee for everyone, feel free to help yourself.”

Some of them were still inside discussing and drinking coffee. But I think most of them have made their donations.

Some of them walked out with me. I smiled at them ” Have a great day!”

I went back to my hotel room. I opened the door with my key card to find the skeptical woman eating an apple on the table.

” All good? ” She asked.

“Yep! Just checked our account, around 12 grand has been deposited. We have got about half an hour to withdraw everything and skip town. And why did you leave so early?”

” Well if I’m playing the woman who isn’t trusting, I should end up not trusting and quitting it. Suddenly trusting would give rise to suspicion. And the links were all fake, we would’ve got in trouble had I stayed cuz there was bound to be someone who would’ve asked more details to me.”

Holy shit she’s a genius. But I can’t say that to her face

” Fair enough!”

We went to an ATM after a while and withdrew about 30 grand.

We ditched the rental motorcycle in the railway station and my phone in a train that goes all around the country.

We changed our hair colour in a salon nearby and hitchhiked to as far as we can get in a week.

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